Tuesday, May 9, 2017

I am back!

Hello to my cyber Friends,

I am still planning a move to Wordpress, but it is not the most pressing thing.

My dreams are alive, but modified.

I am building a manageable team for fun, profit, and freedom. A simpler, non-dramatic, slower pace is more to my liking now that I am Medicare eligible. Power under control...like all those white haired guys you see in their 600 horsepower red chariots. It's all there under the pedal when you want it!

I am proud to be associated with Nerium International as it grows to become a global household word. It is truly my "Last Run Club" and the one for which I have searched for so long.

We are making history in the direct selling profession a second time as we launch into the mammoth space of health and wellness. As we disrupted and dominated the complex and crowded anti-aging dermal market with real results, real science, and simplicity; so shall we do in health and wellness space.

I invite you to learn more. If you like what you see; try our products. If you like our products; come make some extra dollars with us, meet great people, and have some fun. Simple. We have a good system that works around the clock, tirelessly, so we don't have to. Over $1.7 billion in cumulative sales in 5 short years and accelerating; that's nothing commonplace.

I love facts and deplore hype.

Check out www.PLENTYtoLIVE.com  or www.UN4getful.com

High Regards,


Friday, July 18, 2014

I Found My Password

To my dear cyberspace friends,

I have been meaning to say hi for so long, but I was locked out for lack of recall.

In other words, I couldn't remember my password.

What is this world coming to? Some avenues of communication depend on a trivially small amount of critical digits, symbols or letters.

Wait a minute.....could not the same have been said about a phone number or a mail address?

I believe so.

Anyway, I am back and I hope you have been well.

My life is changing rapidly. I am happy to report than it is by plan.

Be back soon so please be well and enjoy today. It is all we have right now and the choice is ours!

Wishing You Plenty To Live,
Tom Doiron

Monday, June 20, 2011

When the shoe fits!

Dear Readers,

Sometimes when your feet hurt, it is just because your shoes don't fit. You may like them, they might even be your favorites; so you live your life in them because you want them to fit.

I am embarrassed to admit that I have done this very thing for a very long, long time. But now I have some new shoes that I have been living in for six months. They feel great, they make me happy, they even make me smile. You'll be hearing a lot more about them. I am keeping them in a new closet. It is in Wordpress, so this blog will be moving there soon.

Wishing You Plenty To Live,

Tom Doiron

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Dear Readers,

Please watch this 60 Minutes news clip after you read a couple comments from me.

I am so sad. What has blinded the minds of the American worker? College educated professionals, even with post graduate degrees are collecting recyclables from trash cans and dumpsters for $25 to $30 income when they previously bumped 6 figures with their salaries.

This raw and rugged country was settled by individuals that made their own opportunities. Blacksmiths, farmers, cobblers, carpenters, weavers, store keepers, etc. Then came the Industrial Revolution with minimum wages, paid holidays, paid vacations, sick time, matching retirement contributions, Birthdays off with pay, big Holiday bonuses, etc.

I have a wonderful solution to all this aweful, negative poop. Become a Professional Network Marketer! As Eric Worre says, "It's a stone cold fact that we have a better way!" Put aside all the negative propaganda you have heard and put on your looking glasses. All of my company mentors have earned millions with their businesses over the past 16 years or less. Ask me how.

Here is the link:



Wishing You Plenty To Live,
Tom Doiron

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Rick Newman is my American Hero!

On Friday October 1, 2010, Rick Newman of U.S. News & World Report became my American Hero with the article, 12 Ways To Stop America’s Decline.

We talk about a "Plan B". Rick encourages readers to be more entrepreneurial. "To me, entrepreneurship is really about pursuing your passion, as opposed to pursuing what someone tells you to pursue," says Tim Westergren, founder of Pandora. This guy, Tim maxed out 11 credit cards and endured many sleepless night to keep his dream alive. Rick reminds us that when PANDORA Internet Radio goes public, broke and tired Tim will be a multi-millionaire.

You got to see this. Rick used pictures and captions to drive home the points. Worth a little of your time. Here is the link



Wishing You Plenty To Live,
Tom Doiron

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Is the JOB an endangered species?

Many with a keen eye on the business world and global economy have seen it afar off. In the mid 90's I heard prominent Fortune 500 consultants discussing it. It seemed to surface first with payroll outsourcing.

I am hinting at the end of most JOBs as we have known them. In other words a major shift from the W-2 worker to the 1099 contractor. With the advent of new health care policies here in The U.S. and the burden this will place on the employers, I predict an acceleration in this trend.

Many financial coaches are promoting multiple streams of income for their clients and encouraging a Plan"B". I have heard new and different terms used to describe the economy as of late. One thing I feel for certain is that "the good ole days" of the past will be very different in the way they look and feel; if and when they return.

In future posts I will be expanding on this theme so be sure to return. It will be eye-opening and want-to-know stuff, all documented from known and trusted sources.

1984 Bruce Springsteen, My Hometown,

"They're closing down the textile mill across the railroad tracks
Foreman says these jobs are going boys and they ain't coming back to your hometown."

Wishing You Plenty To Live,

Tom Doiron

Monday, September 14, 2009


Dear Professional Network Marketers,

Are you not a motivated entrepreneur?

How did you get to be one?

Did you swallow a little pill, read a big book, cross paths with an inspiring individual, have great parents, or just hit your head really hard?

Seriously, when I hear talk about motivating people I try not to scoff. Here is why. I believe that motivation is an inside job. It is akin to enthusiasm. Life around you can squeeze it all out of you much faster then it puts it back in if your heart doesn't act as the control valve.

Think of how easy it is to guide and coach a motivated person. Compare that to trying to drag a person across the finish line who has no winner's instinct.

So if we desire to build a team of motivated entrepreneurs, where should we look for them? Are they thicker in some spots than others? In other words, do they flock together?

I would love to hear your suggestions of their hangouts.

Wishing You Plenty To Live,
Tom Doiron