Wednesday, December 19, 2007

You haven't made the money you expected, yet?

My involvement in network marketing spans over 35 years, but not non stop.

In my 20's it was probably the enthusiasm that attracted me because I sure didn't understand the compensation they were all running around so excited about. Back then it was products I wanted at wholesale.
Twelve years ago I really caught the concept of leveraged income. I joined a young nutrition company with a great mission and vision. If it were just the products that held me for all this time, I could resign my distributorship and become a wholesale customer only at the same purchase price I pay now.

I was taught years ago by many trainers that all one needs is 3 to 5 go-getters in your downline and you are set for life. So the promise of the big money has held my interest.

Also, with so much blood, sweat, and tears vested in a venture, it is hard to turn and walk away. Don't many of us believe that the exclusivity of our beloved product is going to catch on and become the rage of the age? We hope that our positioning will permit us to ride the wave of momentum to ridiculous income levels.

I believe the fundamental core values of network marketing are both noble and addictive. Once you ‘get’ the concept, it wiggles its way into your mind so deeply that it is hard to root it out. It only gets extracted by a lot of bitterness. That bitterness manifests itself on the internet in the writings of the disgruntled associates that try to poison the minds of the unwary public against network marketing. Were it not for the skepticism and cynicism abounding toward our industry, people would be much more open to the business model and more willing to become involved without old school hype and overselling. Think about those times when you presented to a “virgin” and they were very excited until their close associates shot down their dream.

Life is a learning adventure and it is no different for network marketing. Sometimes we do hitch our wagon to the wrong horse and need to make a change. One of my former business associates had a tag line I just loved. “People that say it can’t be done should stay out of the way of those that are doing it”.


Robin said...


I haven't made the money I expected with my business, yet.

I keep doing the business because I want to stay home and raise my son. He was in daycare the first 2 years of his life. Luckily he doesn't remember those days, but I remember how I hated it. He was in a great daycare and the lady is a dear friend of ours. I felt she had more time with him than I did.

It's been 7 years since I left the corporate world. I'm committed to my business for how ever long it takes to "have people talking about it." It's not just the product for me, it's the people with my company, the quality of life I have now and the belief that with consistent effort I will have success.

I know it takes time, a long time to build a network marketing business. I have the time. I get the concept. I'm thinking of ways to market and promote my business from the time I wake everyday till I fall asleep everynight. I'ts running through my blood and I love it.


Tom Doiron said...

Thank you for your great post! I can feel your passion and it is awesome. Nothing worth having come easy in this life. With such a great "why" and the perserverance you display, it is obvious that your 'time' will come.

What a great Mom you are!
