Saturday, December 13, 2008

Is This The Best Time?

Dear MLMers or NWMers (Pick your hat),

The buzz for our industry seems to be rising proportionally to the decline of the Dow. Why do you suppose that is? I don't pretend to know, but a have a theory.

What happens when someting you are emotionally attached to breaks? First to my mind is fix it. What if it turns out to be irrepairable? Replace it with something equal or better when possible. Well for many, the economic system they used to carry their dreams in has a very bad leak in it. What to do? Their minds are exploring new avenues. Perhaps they are not new at all, but when viewed from a different paradigm, they seem brand new.

For those of us that have been around the track a time or two with our industry, and even the rookies; these current events provide us with an excellent opportunity to help others and thereby prosper as well.

Are we going to blow it with the usual hype? I am not and that is going to be my earnest example to others.

I am going to coach and train my new recruits to earn more than they spend. My intention is to identify their weaknesses and continuously work to strengthen them. I am not going to do it for them, it is their own business, but I certainly can put to play the wisdom of my years and shortcut their learning curve.

Fifty years from now, 2008 maybe looked upon as the blast off for a new way to earn a living that isn't dependent on Wall Street.

Highest Regards,
Tom Doiron


John in FL said...

Well said Tom. I have read too many other blog posts and articles that strike me as opportunistic. Yes, people will be attracted to NWM but: 1) it must be a good fit for that person, 2) they must understand that it is not easy and be willing to invest their time and focus into the process, and 3) as you state, we must do our part to help them become successful.

I am uncomfortable using a financial opportunity to attract desperate people for whom NWM is not a good solution to their problems.


Tom Doiron said...

Hi John,

Thanks for your comments.

That makes two of us that are uncomfortable using NWM as bait for desperate people. I won't.

John, if they raise their hand to learn more, I will talk with them and if they demonstrate the lion's heart needed to push to success in our industry, I will do everything in my power to assist them on their road to success. Sometimes the bridge over desperation is the time when folks will commit to their own victory and stop playing victim.

Please come vist again, John.

High Regards,