Monday, September 14, 2009


Dear Professional Network Marketers,

Are you not a motivated entrepreneur?

How did you get to be one?

Did you swallow a little pill, read a big book, cross paths with an inspiring individual, have great parents, or just hit your head really hard?

Seriously, when I hear talk about motivating people I try not to scoff. Here is why. I believe that motivation is an inside job. It is akin to enthusiasm. Life around you can squeeze it all out of you much faster then it puts it back in if your heart doesn't act as the control valve.

Think of how easy it is to guide and coach a motivated person. Compare that to trying to drag a person across the finish line who has no winner's instinct.

So if we desire to build a team of motivated entrepreneurs, where should we look for them? Are they thicker in some spots than others? In other words, do they flock together?

I would love to hear your suggestions of their hangouts.

Wishing You Plenty To Live,
Tom Doiron

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