Many with a keen eye on the business world and global economy have seen it afar off. In the mid 90's I heard prominent Fortune 500 consultants discussing it. It seemed to surface first with payroll outsourcing.
I am hinting at the end of most JOBs as we have known them. In other words a major shift from the W-2 worker to the 1099 contractor. With the advent of new health care policies here in The U.S. and the burden this will place on the employers, I predict an acceleration in this trend.
Many financial coaches are promoting multiple streams of income for their clients and encouraging a Plan"B". I have heard new and different terms used to describe the economy as of late. One thing I feel for certain is that "the good ole days" of the past will be very different in the way they look and feel; if and when they return.
In future posts I will be expanding on this theme so be sure to return. It will be eye-opening and want-to-know stuff, all documented from known and trusted sources.
1984 Bruce Springsteen, My Hometown,
"They're closing down the textile mill across the railroad tracks
Foreman says these jobs are going boys and they ain't coming back to your hometown."
Wishing You Plenty To Live,
Tom Doiron
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