Monday, November 19, 2007

Downline raiding ?

If you were a prominent Network Marketing Trainer/Mentor, who had previously had great success in the field; that fact would be largely responsible for your following. Or at least it should be, don't you think? Contrast this to the many "experts" who have never really done a genuine, live, three-way call, but can tell you all the do's and dont's. Which would you respect and trust more? Oh, I forgot to mention that you were convinced the "expert" was authentic because of his self-edification on line and off.
Our country is plagued with Affluenza and disingenuitis. I tapped into Kim's stuff back in the day of aka, Ms. Stud. Back then and now, I knew of no NWM coach that was more upfront than Kim. It was refreshing to me to hear someone finally speak the truth about the industry.
OK. I am going to pretend I am K2 (A Foggism). Intelligent enough to know integrity is a cornerstone of my success; what should I do about my start up company? Publish it or hide it under a basket? I would do as she has done partly because it is her upfront style and partly to flame proof my butt. Why? If Kim is catching all this heat for being honest, what do you think it would look like if the news leaked out slowly and unofficially through the 'blogsphere' ?
Enough for now,
Tom DoironAtlanta

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