Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Over Promised, But Under Delivered

When we had a license to act emotionally immature because we were kids, how did we react when a promise was unfulfilled? Fussing, whining, angry, and disappointed are the first that come to my mind.

But just because we are now adults does not mean promises aren't still made to us. However we have developed our own unique BS filters to minimize the disappointment. Now and then we buy into a big promise that flew in under our filter. How does a grown-up react to a broken promise? Much the same way only it is more internalized or they sue.

MLM has a 95% failure rate. More positively stated, 5 recruits out of 100 enjoy some level of success. What is most intriguing about this well known statistic is that it stays with us.

I have made my living via sales and marketing most of my adult life. Always, always I see over zealous rookies making promises to close a sale that they couldn't deliver on in a million years. The results are one very angry grown-up that will never refer a soul to the sales person.

Talking about the 5 and 6 figure monthly income earners in our programs and parroting, "if they can do it, you can to" is indirect promising. The recruits expectations are nearly assured of be dashed and disappointed. They quit and keep the sad stats steady.

In my later years I have seen the wonderful opposite of this cycle. I purposely under promise benefits and results to my prospects because I want their expectations to be barely above ground level. To their surprise the results are better than expected, and they are pumped.

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