Monday, December 22, 2008

Is Network Marketing an Answer to Unemployment?

Dear Entrepreneurs,

Could an unemployed person collecting unemployment compensation join a Network Marketing company and rapidly rise to a sufficient income level? Possible of course, but highly improbable. They would be one in a thousand at the least.

So should a veteran NWMer offer this kind of expectation during the recruitment courtship? I say with extreme caution and only after the recruit has demonstrated some of the raw materials we look for to shape success.

A fact well known to seasoned vets of our industry is that you start out spending more than you make, usually. With the proper desire and training, a new distributor can short track this stage if they are coachable and will work.

With unemployment at 10% and rising, the job scene is very bleak. I say it is a great time to show people the potential our industry can afford those that will work smart. I have to remind myself that securing customers and/or team members may become increasingly more difficult if this economy continues to spiral downward. What the hey, we still have something to offer that has profit potential. I heard that in the Great Depression, folks were peddling pamphlets and booklets on the street corners for a nickle a piece. Any money is better than no money.

I exhort those in our industry to offer reasonable expectations to the hungry. We truly have something they want and need, so let's not over sell it. Not the kind of junk I delete from my inbox that has me making $40k per month in 90 days or less.

Highest Regards,

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Is This The Best Time?

Dear MLMers or NWMers (Pick your hat),

The buzz for our industry seems to be rising proportionally to the decline of the Dow. Why do you suppose that is? I don't pretend to know, but a have a theory.

What happens when someting you are emotionally attached to breaks? First to my mind is fix it. What if it turns out to be irrepairable? Replace it with something equal or better when possible. Well for many, the economic system they used to carry their dreams in has a very bad leak in it. What to do? Their minds are exploring new avenues. Perhaps they are not new at all, but when viewed from a different paradigm, they seem brand new.

For those of us that have been around the track a time or two with our industry, and even the rookies; these current events provide us with an excellent opportunity to help others and thereby prosper as well.

Are we going to blow it with the usual hype? I am not and that is going to be my earnest example to others.

I am going to coach and train my new recruits to earn more than they spend. My intention is to identify their weaknesses and continuously work to strengthen them. I am not going to do it for them, it is their own business, but I certainly can put to play the wisdom of my years and shortcut their learning curve.

Fifty years from now, 2008 maybe looked upon as the blast off for a new way to earn a living that isn't dependent on Wall Street.

Highest Regards,
Tom Doiron

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What is screwed up about Network Marketing ?

Having been in this industry since 1972, but more seriously since 1996; I have an opinion or two about what is screwed up. For the record, most of my efforts have been in health and wellness.

It is difficult for me to clearly describe what I see. Network marketing turns people into camouflaged predators, like the Big Bad Wolf in Little Red Riding Hood.

A very successful and beloved associate of mine that was earning about $30K yearly after just two years quit and walked away from the business and industry. Maureen said, "she just wanted to be able to meet new people without thinking of them as a prospect."

The second thing about network marketing that I think is really, really screwed up is it pretending to be the answer to every ones' economic challenges. The idea that is so commonly promoted is that, "if you just follow me, all your problems will pass away." It's like you are telling folks that if they will just step over here and push this big red reset button; everything will straighten itself out in their lives.

Presenting the potential as the probable might be a shorter way of expressing my viewpoint.

Enough for now.

Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fake It Until You Make It

Dear Readers,

I am not always swift to embrace Mr. Seth Godin's viewpoints. However, this one resonates for me; "a reputation that precedes you".

Once again just yesterday I got slapped by the reality that many people are not anywhere near the 'giant' that they present themselves to be. If that be so, then the inverse obviously exists as well. And that would be some people that truly are 'giants' but don't see themselves as such in their own mine's eye.

This "fake it until you make it” stuff is not the reputation that you want out there ahead of you. I say this because when you hold it up to the light of scrutiny just right, it is totally transparent and you are caught naked as a fake.

I believe that genuineness and honesty are still two very admirable components of a good reputation. They also make for less stress when you are happy in your own skin and not pretending to be something or someone you are not.

It is also becoming very apparent to me that those that have to blow the biggest, brightest, and loudest horn about themselves are secretly trying to cover up some ugly character flaws. Has anyone else noticed this?

Fortunately I learned some time ago the one thing that I can do better than anyone else. That is to be myself. This realization truly helps me grasp a healthy attitude about myself without being obnoxious and arrogant.

Last one, I promise. I find it is a common belief in business that if you give 'over the top' service that your clients will drown you in referrals. So we attempt to treat these people as we like to be treated. We then pat ourselves on the back for practicing the golden rule in our customer service. I have been learning about the platinum rule that Dr. Tony Alessandra developed. "Do unto others as THEY would have you do unto them." So if you can dig down with you potential customers to find out how they like it and then deliver it on point; you will at least get splashed with a referral or two. For example, when I am consulting with my potential customer and they express a specific concern that they have; I write it into their proposal using their very own words. Additionally, I make sure it gets handled properly and finally I call their attention to the fact that it has been done.

You should see the praise this simple little procedure generates on my customer satisfaction form I ask them to complete at the wrap up.

Happy to be me,

Tom Doiron

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Magnetic-Hypnotic Marketer

When JC called out his twelve, he told impetuous Peter, the fisherman, that he would make him a fisher of men. From some of the Greek texts, it could have been translated, "I will teach you how to catch and convert men by your speech". So what is the difference between JC's technique and the "magnetic-hypnotic marketer"? One huge one that I know of is the motivation. One is born out of selfless giving and the other out of selfish gain.

For over three decades I have heard professional sales trainers tell me that I have to master these manipulative techniques to help the poor prospect that isn't smart enough to get out of his own way at decision time. Of course it had nothing to do with closing more sales and fattening my wallet. It is all just to help the prospect.

This coy coaxing is a large ingredient in the sales concoction the tastes so bad to 99 out on 100 people. It is just a lot more fun to be a match-maker. It builds slower for sure, but with the quality of endurance.

On my profile page, you will read one of my deep core values and that is to love people and use things.

Wait for me, Pete!