Saturday, November 24, 2007

Anybody & Everybody

In my opinion, here are the top three business intelligences required to improve the odds of their success for the first time business owner entering a network marketing opportunity:

1. Self-displined, self-motivated, big why, self-starter or how ever you like to phrase it.

2. Excellent communicator which mandated great listening and writing skills.

3. Basic computer skills with an aptitude for acquiring more advanced I.T.know how.

A bright , young networker said, "Network Marketing IS a business 'anyone' can do, but by 'anyone' I think we should clarify it more clearly by saying anyone who is willing to come in and do whatever it takes to achieve their goals by learning and growing through the process."

This logic has been echoed by trainers and mentors for at least 30 years that I know of and the success rate hasn't risen. When the pitcher climbs that mound, his will is to strike out every batter he faces. How often does that happen?

Experience tells me that some folks are just not suited for this business. Just because someone can buy a lottery ticket, doesn't mean they can win in this industry. It's a tango between the over eager recruiter and the unknowing, but hungry prospect.


Robin Plan said...

Tom -
I enjoy the way you write and the great information you share.

I would add that a new person coming into network marketing needs to understand it takes more than the enrollment fee to be successful. So many times people get in but don't want to or can't spend any money on marketing.

Do not quit your day job while building your network marketing business. I still work full time so I can put money into my business so I can quit my day job someday.

Thanks for sharing your wisdom Tom.

Tom Doiron said...

Hi Robin,

Thanks for your kind words. Excellent points that you made. It is hard to pick just the top three of such a long list of important items.

I am glad somebody appreciates all the exposure to our industry I have had over the years.
